

Chyavanprash is used as a rejuvenating and energising tonic to boost immunity naturally. It works as a self-fighing against seasonal cough, cold, and flu. It is a pure herbal and traditional formula, made with 50+ medicinal herbs extras.

  • Helps in runny nose, sneezing.
  • Helps to promote healthy immune resistance
  • Strengthen your Respiratory system.


  • Key Ingredients

Ext Derived from the following-Amla (Pulp.)* 7.2gm, VidaraBilva (Rt./St.Bk.), Agnimantha (Rt./St.Bk.), ArluShyonka (Rt./St.Bk.), Giloy (St.) Ashwagandha, Nagarmotha (Rt. Tr.), Gambhari (Rt./St.Bk.), Patala (Rt./St.Bk.), Gokhru (PL Jivanti (Rt.), Pushkarmool (Rt.), Agar (Ht. Wd.), Bala (Rt.), Kachoor, Punarnava (Pl.), Elaichi (Sd.) Kamal Phool, Chandan, Vidarikand (Rt. Tr.), Vasaka (Rt.), Kaknasa (Fr.)”, Salaparni (Pl.), Prishnaparni (Pl.), Mugdhparni (Rt. /PI), Jivak (Pseudo-Bulb.)”, Risvak (Rt. Tr.), Kakoli (Sub. Rt.)* Khsher Kakoli, Meda (Rt.Tr.), Maha medaRiddhi (Sub. Rt. Tr.), VaridhiKakra Shringi (Gl.), Bhringi, Choti Kantakari (Pl.), Badi Kantelli, Bhumiamla (Pl.), Nagakesar/ Kesar (Stmn.), Banafsha, Arjun, Shatavari, Kawanch Beej, Draksha (Dr. Fr.)* 0.05gm each, Pippali (Fr.), Dalchini (St. Bk.), Kali mirch, Soonth, Twaksheer, Tulsi patra, Talish Patra, kharanti 0.01gm each, Ghrit (Semisolid.)-qs, Sarkara (Crystal.)-qs

  • Key Benefits/Uses

Helps in running nose and sneezing, Helps to promote healthy immunity resistance, Strengthens our respiratory system

  • Direction for use/Dosage

1-3 tablespoons morning and evening with milk. For children below 10 years – half teaspoon twice a day.

  • Safety Information

Store in a cool and dry place, Not to exceed the recommended dosage, Close medicine cap tightly after every use, Keep medicine in original package and container. Not recommended for children under the age of 2


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